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Hempcrete Insulation

Hempcrete is a sustainable and eco-friendly building material that leverages the versatile properties of hemp hurds to create strong, lightweight, and insulating structures. Hempcrete offers a range of benefits that make it an attractive and sustainable choice for construction. Here's an expanded look at the advantages of using hempcrete in building projects:

Hempcrete offers a range of benefits


Hempcrete is an eco-friendly building material, primarily because it is made from hemp hurds, which are a renewable resource. Hemp plants grow quickly and require minimal pesticides or herbicides, making them a sustainable source of raw materials.

Low Environmental Impact

The production of hempcrete generates significantly lower levels of carbon emissions compared to traditional concrete. Additionally, hemp plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere during their growth, effectively sequestering carbon and reducing the carbon footprint of the building.

Excellent Insulation

Hempcrete is known for its exceptional insulation properties. It provides both thermal and acoustic insulation, creating a comfortable and quiet living environment. Its thermal mass properties also help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for heating and cooling.


Hempcrete is a breathable material, allowing moisture vapor to pass through it. This breathability helps prevent moisture-related issues such as mold and mildew growth, ensuring healthier indoor air quality.


Hempcrete is considerably lighter than traditional concrete, making it easier to transport and handle during construction. This can lead to reduced labor costs and shorter construction timelines.

Fire Resistance

While hempcrete is not fireproof, it is naturally resistant to fire. The high lime content in hempcrete makes it less susceptible to combustion, providing an added layer of safety in buildings.

Flexibility and Durability

Hempcrete has a degree of flexibility, which makes it less prone to cracking under stress or movement. While it is typically used as a non-load-bearing material, it is durable and can last for many years with proper maintenance.

Carbon Sequestration

As hempcrete cures, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the carbonation process. This means that over time, hempcrete structures continue to sequester carbon, making them carbon-negative building materials.

Renewable Resource

Hemp can be grown seasonally, allowing for a consistent supply of raw materials for hempcrete production. This contrasts with traditional concrete, which relies on finite resources like limestone.


Hempcrete can be used in various construction applications, including walls, floors, roofs, and insulation. It is also adaptable for both new construction and renovations.


Hempcrete is non-toxic and poses no health risks to construction workers or occupants. It does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

Local Sourcing

Hemp can often be grown regionally, reducing the need for long-distance transportation of materials and promoting local economies.

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100% Hemp Hurds 1/2" ORDER#: F-H15
100% Hemp Hurds 1/2"
As low as $0.66/LB

100% Hemp Hurds 1/2" for Building and Horse Bedding

Retail Price: $4.00 As low as $0.66/lb.