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Han NE Chinese Fiber Planting Seed, Sample 1 oz.

<B>ORDER#: SEED-04B</B> <BR>Han NE Chinese Fiber Planting Seed, Sample 1 oz.
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Price is per ounce
Retail Price: $10.00

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

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Hemp Traders is pleased to offer official chinese fiber variety hemp planting seed. These are live, viable hemp seeds which can be cultivated by farmers as an industrial hemp fiber crop.
These seeds are from the strain Han NE and the variety we grew in 2021 to produce the world's tallest hemp plant. Seeding rates for industrial hemp grown for fiber are 75 pounds per acre. Recommended planting from Mid march through June. Harvest in late August or early September. Capable of producing plants 15-20' tall if grown correctly.

Industrial hemp is defined as cannabis having 0.3% or less THC in the flowers.

Total Seeds per ounce: 1,740

We also sell commercial quantities at greater discounts.
if you would like to order these larger quantities, please call our office at 213-677-2997 and place your order over the phone.

How to Sprout Hemp Seeds

How To Sprout
Industrial Hemp Seeds

Click Here
For Instructions on
How To Cultivate
Industrial Hemp